


 ulphur in producer gas comes from coal for gasification, mainly in the form of H2S. About 80% of sulphur in coal for gasification is converted into H2S and enters gas. If the sulphur content of coal for gasification is 1%, the sulphur content of coal for gasification is about 2-3g/Nm3 after gasification, and the sulphur content of gas is about 20-50mg/Nm3 in ceramics, kaolin and other industries. If H2S in gas is converted to SO2 about 2.6g/m3 after combustion, it is much higher than the maximum SO2 emission concentration index stipulated by the state. Therefore, this part of H2S in gas must be removed from both environmental protection and final product quality assurance.
合同编号 使用单位 设备型号 所属行业
HZ17010 南京工业大学 HCGY10-SX15 College
HZ17032 太原餐厨 HCGY10-SX15 methane

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